06. Automated Wind Mill

New project was to make a rotating Wind Mill with a 360º servo that I bough by mistake instead of a 180º for the Train Crossing.
So... nothing is lost, just a new challenge.
The challenge here was not the programming but transferring servo movement to the Wind Mill Mast through a set of gears.
1x 360º servo     
1x set of small plastic gears
1x paper clip
1x Wind Mill from modelismoartesanal 

1x Micropython board
Here you can watch full video of the build

Python code 
# turn on_off wild mill and internal LEDs,
# ver 1.3

# Libraries
import time, pyb, machine, utime, urandom
from pyb import Pin, Servo
from array import array
dict_data = {"closed_1": -10, "open_1": 0,}  # Creates default dict_data

def read_file():
    with open("config.txt", "r") as file_in:
        line = file_in.readline()               # reads each line in file
        while line != '':                       # The EOF char is an empty string
            list = []                           # Creates empty List to store data from config.txt in dict_data
            dummy_r = line.strip("\n").split(",")  # reads items from line
            for i in dummy_r:
            dict_data[list[0]] = list[1]        # Add list content to Dictionary
            dummy_r = ''                        # Cleans Var
            i = ''                              # Cleans Var
            line = file_in.readline()           # Advances one line
        closed_1 = int(dict_data["closed_1"])   # Closed position Servo_1
#        closed_2 = int(dict_data["closed_2"])   # Closed position Servo_2
        open_1 = int(dict_data["open_1"])       # Open position Servo_1
#        open_2 = int(dict_data["open_2"])       # Open position Servo_2
        if line == '':
            file_in.close()  # Closes File
def mill_slow_up(x):
    for y in range (1,9):
        servo_1.angle(y,1000)                # close PN servo in X1 (azimuth + speed)
        time.sleep(x)                        # sleep for xseg
        pyb.LED(2).toggle()                    # internal LED(2) RESET    ( 1=red, 2=green, 3=yellow, 4=blue )

def mill_slow_down(x):
    for y in range (9,1,-1):
        servo_1.angle(y,1000)                # close PN servo in X1 (azimuth + speed)
        time.sleep(x)                        # sleep for xseg
        pyb.LED(1).toggle()                    # internal LED(1) RESET    ( 1=red, 2=green, 3=yellow, 4=blue )
while True:
    read_file()                             # Load config file servo data
    sw = pyb.Switch().value()               # act internal USR switch
    led_1 = Pin('Y11', Pin.OUT_PP)          # set LED1 to out Y11
    servo_1 = pyb.Servo(1)                  # set Servo_1 on position 1 (X1, VIN, GND)
    # servo position (Closed/Open)
    closed_1 = int(dict_data["closed_1"])   # Closed position Servo_1
    open_1 = int(dict_data["open_1"])       # Open position Servo_1
    # check status of iR input trigger for loop ativation
#    pyb.LED(4).off()                    # internal LED(3) RESET    ( 1=red, 2=green, 3=yellow, 4=blue )
    led_1.high()                         # external LED1 ON
    time.sleep(1)                        # sleep for xseg      
    pyb.LED(3).on()                     # internal LED(3) RESET    ( 1=red, 2=green, 3=yellow, 4=blue )
    mill_slow_up(2)                     # activate mill_slow_up with x time spacing
    servo_1.angle(closed_1,1000)        # set mill speed to config file close_1 (azimuth + speed)
    time.sleep(25)                        # sleep for xseg
    mill_slow_down(2)                     # activate mill_slow_up with x time spacing
    pyb.LED(3).off()                    # internal LED(3) RESET    ( 1=red, 2=green, 3=yellow, 4=blue )
    # set all to standard rest position
    servo_1.angle(open_1)            # set mill speed to config file open_1 (azimuth + speed)
    time.sleep(1)                        # sleep for xseg      
    led_1.low()                     # external LED1 RESET
#    pyb.LED(4).toggle()             # internal LED(4) ON_OFF    ( 1=red, 2=green, 3=yellow, 4=blue )
    pyb.LED(2).off()                    # internal LED(3) RESET    ( 1=red, 2=green, 3=yellow, 4=blue )
    pyb.LED(2).off()                    # internal LED(3) RESET    ( 1=red, 2=green, 3=yellow, 4=blue )
    utime.sleep(urandom.randint(30, 60))  # Delay for random time between 15 and 30 seconds


create a config.txt file with wind mill speed settings with content below:




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